So this happened a few days ago, but it suddenly popped into my mind tonight.
I was at work, at Hollywood Video, and we were pretty busy, when a man and his wife came in, and came up to the counter requesting a membership. The man brought up that he had once had an account many years ago, but had not been in for a long time, and had just gotten back after two tours in Iraq. The account had since been cancelled and he needed to start a new one.
He was the most respectful, polite, and courteous person I have talked to in a long time. After every question I asked him, his response was always a "Yes, sir," or "No, sir."
I don't know if it's weird, but I really appreciated it, even if it did make me feel a bit weird to have someone older than me calling me sir. It made me feel a lot more important than my job should make me feel. Even more so because in that job, I am often yelled at, disrespected and treated like dirt, since many times, a customer's anger at the company is directed at myself or my fellow employees.
It just made me think, my respect for the men and women in the U.S. Military, already incredibly high, went through the roof.
They put themselves in harms way for our protection and safety, I can't think of a more selfless act, and again wanted to say, to all the people in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Reserves, and Coast Guard, THANK YOU for all you do, and for showing me that respecting people and being courteous and polite can really make someone's day.
Thanks Nate, you hit the nail on the head !!!
Sorry people are so mean to you, You're such a great guy...blah to all of them :)
First thing I thought was how much we can learn from others...even people we don't know. You learned, I learned, and anyone who reads this post will see the impact one human can have on another - either negative or positive.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Nice one Nate -- enjoyed this one.
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