Thursday, September 24, 2009


Oh wait, scratch that, it's just American School Children being indoctrinated!

This is truly terrifying. This video was brought to my attention by Sean Hannity on Fox News. This is nothing other than pure indoctrination. I don't care that it probably wasn't Obama that ordered this, the fact that it was ALLOWED to happen at all is ridiculous.

It's such a horrible double standard that is held between democrats and republicans. If this song had been sung, only the name was changed from Barack Hussein Obama to George W. Bush, there would be a national outrage, teachers getting fired or put on parole, there would be parents pulling kids from that class or school and investigations of the employees.

Maybe I'm over exaggerating, but not by much. This is scary.

Hannity also mentioned another video with had a similar premise, but there was a few lines in the song that was fairly reminiscent of "Jesus loves the little children" only the name Jesus was changed to OBAMA.


If that was happening in my child's school, I would not be hesitating to confront the teacher and principal, if not pull my child from that class or school.

To say that teachers and schools aren't allowed to even mention GOD anymore, but then to basically give praise to the apparent "Anointed One" aka Obama, in school is NOT O.K.

Schools NEED to be unpartisan, but apparently, a certain political party is trying to CHANGE that....

I love Sean Hannity, his honesty and opinions are refreshing in a business (being the press), that is dominantly liberal, but who claim to be unbiased but still sneak in and try to cover up their HIGHLY liberal opinions. It's disgusting.

So thank you, Sean Hannity, YOU ROCK.

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