Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Well, I thought I'd add a new post since it has been a while... I've been BUSY, so give me a break. I started at RCTC one week ago, and so far i pretty much like it...A LOT. It gives you a feeling of independence, being in college. I actually don't really mind going to school anymore, like i did in high school. I really do believe it has everything to do with the class times. In high school, classes start at 7:40 in the MORNING. That is far to early to learn anything, at least for my brain. By having the classes later in the day (in my case, my earliest class is at 10:00 AM--on three days out of the week, and at 11:00 AM the remaining two days) I'm able to concentrate more, plus i know in the back of my mind i'll always be done with the school day by AT LEAST 2:50 (on only TWO days out of the week) the other days I'm out at:
Monday: done at 2:50 PM
Tuesday: done at 12:50 PM
Wednsday: done at 2:50 PM
Thursday: done at 12:50 PM
Friday: DONE AT 10:50 AM!!!!

It's amazing... and i love it. There are few people I know that go here and I've been able to talk to them occasionally in the halls, other than that i haven't had the time to really get to know anybody yet, and because of my introverted personality, it's been a struggle to try and break free of my "box." I'm planning on getting involved in the Christian Youth program, InterVarsity or something like that, hopefully I'll be able to get to know some people there.
Homework hasn't been TOO bad yet, but I'm anticipating a rise in the workload, but i think i'm ready. I hope...
As I type this, i'm sitting in a SH computer lab, and i have class in 15 minutes, so thats all the time i have for now, out.


Jackie said...

Hey Nate, I'm glad you're liking RCTC, I think it's a great idea to check out their intervarsity, good way to hook up with other Christians :)
I need to get you "son of a witch" hopefully I'll be at your house THursday and i can bring it then. Later

Cheri said...

Nate, nice blog!
Have you contacted the guy from InterVarsity yet? Don't wait too'll want to get in early on the activity when there are lots of new people joining. I'm proud of you for keeping up your school work...and that a clean room I've been seeing?
Love you!

Cheri said...

Nate, nice blog!
Have you contacted the guy from InterVarsity yet? Don't wait too'll want to get in early on the activity when there are lots of new people joining. I'm proud of you for keeping up your school work...and that a clean room I've been seeing?
Love you!

Nate said...

OH MOM, You silly woman, you posted the same thing twice!! haha. ya, i'd love to read Son of a Witch, while i was reading Wicked, i was sooo confused on whether or not Liir was really her son or not. It's kind of a weird situation, since the book never really explains it with too much detail...

Christoph's Czarbach said...

Nate, I'm pretty sure I was sitting right next to you in the SH lab while you updated your blog, I'm curious as to why you didn't mention that I have now seen you twice at RCTC, mmm, are you avoiding me?, jk.

Nate said...

Actually, Chris, it's the opposite. Often times, I'm TRYING to find you. Or at least keep an eye out for you. There's very few ppl at RCTC that i know, and even fewer ppl at RCTC that i LIKE. (btw, you made the second group) :-)

Cheri said...

Time to update son !!